Thursday, November 11, 2010

Back In The Saddle Again

That is the the name of one of my favorite songs... because it sounds so delightfully cowboy-ish, and because of the good family memories attached to it. However, this is not about a song, cowboys, or memories. This is about going back to school. :)

I'm excited because ... this morning I registered for classes!

Watching others go back to school this Fall and listening to them talk about their classes has made time drag. I've missed school! (I'm sure that in the growing up years my mom never thought she'd hear me say that!) I miss biology with Ms. E and my old classmates, especially. I even miss memorizing all those stacks of vocabulary words, and hi-lighting my textbook and notes in different colors according to category....

But never mind all that now, because this girl is back in the saddle again! And so happy! Just wanted to share that with you folks before I close this up and head over to campus to tie up some loose ends. Have a lovely day!

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