Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Secrets of public spaces

Have you ever just sat in a coffee shop or a park and observed the humanity that surges around you? I have. And when I have, I've noticed that there is a whole new and different world around me from the one I regularly see. Problem is, regularly, I'm not seeing. I go about my business trying to keep out of the way and go unnoticed, and in so doing, I miss out on a whole lot.
You know that 100th clone of the businessman in a suit? Well, while I waited for the bus one day, I saw him. He was striding importantly beside the park. A blossoming vine enveloped the fence around the park. Impulsively, Businessman-Clone halted and sniffed a flower, but in the same instant caught himself and hurried along again, looking nervously around him in case he'd been spotted taking time to sniff a flower (which by the way, is a very un-manly thing to do... according to my brother).
The millionth person to walk into the coffee shop jingling the bell over the door could stay just that. But you could look - and see the hippie girl that caused the bell over the door to jingle. She orders a pumpkin cappuccino, which sounds as odd as she looks. Then she settles into an armchair with her coffee and a very delicious looking book. That millionth person to walk in the coffee shop just took on a whole new dimension.
Suddenly she's not just another coffee drinker. She's a real person. With a quirky taste. And she loves books. Suddenly he isn't a clone in a suit anymore. He's a real person. With a heart. With love of life. With interest. And suddenly, the drab, bustling city has color and friendliness to it. There's the spice of endless possibilities in the air. It occurs to me that maybe I don't need my book or my laptop next time I'm out. A notepad and pencil could be very handy instead.

Monday, August 23, 2010


I went out after supper tonight to try out the night settings on my camera. Once I saw the moon, I wasn't really interested in photographing anything else.
But the moon is shy tonight. It's hiding behind the trees. The pale, creamy moonshine is spilled across the velvety sky and the dappled through the trees and on the grass, but the moon itself has slipped behind the trees, wanting to avoid the paparazzi like me, no doubt.
I stepped around the garden, keeping an eye on the moon. As I reached the other side the trees disappeared from before the moon, but the moon was swathed in clouds and would not be persuaded to come out.

The mosquitoes, much less shy, were also enjoying the moonshine. Despite the thick coating of mosquito repellent I applied to my skin before I went out, they flocked to me; humming shrilly and feasting on my arms and neck. Eventually, they convinced me to come back indoors ...where there is no moon. I suppose it's just as well when the moon won't come out and play with me, but the mosquitoes will.

Soon I will go to bed, and I will open the blinds enough to let the moon shine down on me as I fall asleep. Maybe it will even decide it's safe to come out from behind the trees and the clouds and I will be able to glimpse it's fullness before drifting into dreamland.